Thursday, June 16, 2011

Afternoon in Amsterdam

I made a friend on my day trip to Amsterdam, didn't catch her name but she sure was cute. She had a bell around her neck and followed me around for a bit, until she got bored. I think cat's are naturally attracted to me, they can sense my crazy cat lady tendencies.

Enough about cat's. While spending the day sightseeing and completely looking like a tourist with my map in had, I stumbled onto this lovely vintage shop in Amsterdam. The minute I walked inside I could feel my hands going straight for my wallet. Unfortunately I did not leave with any goodies, due to being on a budget. Next time!!!



  1. i've never been there but it looks really nice :) cool pictures!

  2. I didn't care much for Amsterdam when I was there, but your photos make me want to rethink going back. Everything looks so sweet and sunny. I suppose I should get a summer visit in order.
